Thursday, July 29, 2010

The laziest of all Government Officers

As usual a group of Government officers were sitting idle and chatting and replying to each other lazily. As if they can't shun off their lazyness in humor gossips too. There comes a boy asking about the status of his file. But to no avail. Everyone was so lazy. They were like napping from day to evening.

Seeing the condition he discovered that he should come some other day with some money or a letter of some person of source. Before going out of disgust he shouts “I’ve got a really easy money today for the laziest one among you.” He announced. “Will the laziest man please put his hand up. I will give 100 Rupees note to most lazy man here”

Unsurprisingly, all hands went up. This is usual money is like a catalyst for most laziest too.

But in one corner there was another man sitting with his hands down.

“Why did not you put your hands up, Sir?” Our young man asked the person in corner.

“Umm..Feeling too much lazy”, came the response with a yawn.

It was now that our young man finally discovered the laziest of all.


  1. Abe bhosdike .. tu kya kam lazy hai?

  2. whoa!! An anonymous has send a response with his name mentioned in the comment. Lol :)
